5 Peeps Meet Their Violent Demise


Peeps are undoubtably an Easter classic. At 26-34 grams of sugar per 'mallow, the colorful classics are guaranteed to warm your heart as quickly as they make your sweet tooth ache

Here at Mashable, we're a little health-conscious (it's almost bathing suit season, after all). So, rather than gobble up the cavity-causing chicks and bunnies, we came up with five Vined alternatives

Do you have any creative ways of "taking care" of Peeps? We'd love to see them — share your Vines and ideas in the comments below.

Peep death by scalding hot watervine.co/v/bjQpQBI5O33

— Watercooler (@watercooler) March 29, 2013

More about Viral Videos, Holidays, Videos, Crowdsourcing, and Easter
