6 Hassle-Free Remote Desktop Apps for iPad


Remote desktop applications are a popular category in the App Store, but many of the solutions often involve confusing download instructions or a clunky interface. If you're looking for a fairly pain-free setup, consider the following iPad apps, which are all free and can connect to your desktop computer with minimal hassle.


PocketCloud Remote Desktop is one of several cloud-based business products Dell’s Wyse offers. The company’s business credentials are clearly in play here by creating a solid remote desktop tool.

Instead of going through the highly annoying process of creating another online account, PocketCloud lets you sign in with a Google account. The app will then patiently wait while you download the desktop component. Setup for this portion is just as simple: enter your Google account and then wait for PocketCloud to connect through Wi-Fi. The only additional step will be adding in your OS X Keychain or Windows credentials depending upon the security settings on your computer. Read more...

More about Splashtop, Remote Desktop, Ipad, Ipad Apps, and Gotomeeting
