Westboro: Taylor Swift a 'Serial Fornicator'

MSN Pop Spy: The disciples of hate over at the Westboro Baptist Church have a new plan of attack in their never-ending quest to save the world's souls from a fiery doomsday: They want us all to band together and slut-shame Taylor Swift, self-professed 23-year-old haver of boyfriends. In a press release on their lovely website, the WBC urges all you good, Christian hate mongers to gather at Tay-Tay's Aug. 3 concert at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Mo., ready to picket that "immodest vulgar" she-devil. It seems Swifty is guilty of being a "serial fornicator" with a large Twitter following who "works her 'girl next door' country-singer shtick while hopping from one young man to the next and strutting across the world stage like a proud whore."
