Think Your Dell Laptop Smells Like Cat Pee? You Aren't Alone


Over the past couple of months, people who have purchased a Dell Latitude 6430u have noticed something unusual about their new computers. Namely, that they seem to emit an unbearably awful stench — as if “assembled near a tomcats litter box,” as one user on the Dell hardware support message board put it. (And you thought your noisy laptop fan was bad.)

The issue first came to light when a user — called three west — complained about it on the aforementioned message board in June, and since then, it has only gotten more embarrassing. Apparently, cleaning the keyboard — as Dell initially suggested — did nothing to alleviate matters, and several other users began to chime in with their own concerns about the smell. Read more...

More about Message Boards, Dell, Laptop, Cats, and Computers
