Women Likely to Buy Silver iPhone 5S, Men Pick Space Gray


The color of an iPhone 5S or iPhone 5C might reveal the gender of its owner, new data suggests.

According to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), men are more likely to purchase an iPhone 5S device in space gray, while women are more inclined to pick the silver color


Overall, space gray is the most popular color for Apple's flagship 5S device, which is also available in silver and gold. Although the gold model is in limited supply, it was popular among both genders while it was available, CIRP data revealed.

The colors for Apple's lower-cost iPhone 5C differ among genders, too. Males were more likely to choose white or blue iPhone 5C models, while the most popular color choice among females with the iPhone 5C was pink Read more...

More about Mobile, Apple, Tech, Iphone 5s, and Iphone 5c
