MSNBC Show Mocks Romney's Black Grandchild

An MSNBC host and panelists on her program Sunday poked fun at a photo of Mitt Romney, his wife and their nearly two dozen grandchildren, zeroing in on the Romneys' recently adopted black grandchild, Kieran. Melissa Harris-Perry apologized Tuesday morning for the segment, in which panelists made jokes about the black infant standing out in the large white family. Asked Sunday to come up with captions for the photo, panelist Pia Glenn sang part of the Sesame Street song "One of These Things Is Not Like the Others." Harris-Perry described the baby as "gorgeous," before predicting Kieran would one day marry North West, the daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. "Can you imagine Mitt Romney and Kanye West as in-laws?" Harris-Perry said, drawing laughs.
