Gay Rights Activists See Insult and Opportunity in Sochi


Kevin Jennings is a lifelong fan of both ice hockey and the Olympics. Last weekend he took his young nephew to an outdoor NHL game at Yankee Stadium. But when the boy asked if he was looking forward to February's Olympic hockey tournament, Jennings had a surprising answer: He won't tune in

"I think the leaders of the Olympic movement should be ashamed of themselves," Jennings tells Mashable. "How can I take pleasure in watching the Olympics, knowing what's happening to LGBT people in that community?"

Jennings is a founding member of the New York City Gay Hockey Association and executive director of the Arcus Foundation, which works to advance LGBT issues worldwide. Like many gay rights activists, he finds the fact that the 2014 Winter Olympics are being held in Russia — where strict legislation harshly limits the freedom of gay citizens — both discouraging and insulting Read more...

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