Web-Video App Makes the Internet More Like TV


With all the hashtags on your TV screen these days, it sure seems like television is trying real hard to be more like the Internet. It’s probably about time the Internet tried to be more like TV.

That’s the thinking behind Pluto.tv, a new app and website that launched Monday. Its purpose: to bring all those web videos you’re already watching into a more TV-like environment, with something like the “channel guide” that pops up from your cable remote.

Comedy clips, epic fails, skateboard sizzle-reels, animals being funny, viral bric-a-brac –- it’s all in one easy-to-find place now, curated within more than 100 programmed channels. The hitch is that the clips are stitched together into “shows” and programmed at a certain time, which might frustrate viewers used to hopscotching around for content via search. Read more...

More about Video, Web Video, Entertainment, Tv, and Videos
