Baby Won't Sleep? Try a Hangout With an Expert


Having a baby can be exhausting. Aside from the growing it and pushing it out part, the first few months (or even years) are riddled with little sleep, interrupted sleep, floor sleep, rocking chair sleep and sleep that leaves you guzzling coffee like there’s no tomorrow. According to a study covered by the Daily Mail, new parents lose an average of 44 days of sleep in the first year, hence the coffee addiction.

Of my three kids, baby No. 3 has been the least talented sleeper. Not only were we dealing with night wakings, but she’s an early riser. Like 5:13 every morning, riser. I happened to be using a Fitbit during the worst of my baby’s sleep patterns several months ago and made the mistake of checking the sleep log. Seeing that I had 21 restless movements and was awoken umpteenth times in one night was a surefire way to make sure I never checked that again. Read more...

More about Apps, Parenting, Tech, Baby, and Sleep
