25 WTF Moments of January 31, 2015

Had an accident when i was a toddler involving a table, a skateboard, a pen and my eye. This is what it looks like 22 years later!!

Had an accident when i was a toddler involving a table, a skateboard, a pen and my eye. This is what it looks like 22 years later!!

Japanese Female Pro-wrestlers.

Japanese Female Pro-wrestlers.

2 Fast 2 Fuherious

2 Fast 2 Fuherious

Boss asked me to tidy up this wiring

Boss asked me to tidy up this wiring

This was posted in our local online classifieds. I beg you reddit, apply for this job!

This was posted in our local online classifieds. I beg you reddit, apply for this job!

Dafuq you do that for Joe?

Dafuq you do that for Joe?

Mom told him to do something with all the computer parts laying around.

Mom told him to do something with all the computer parts laying around.

About 60 yards of bike zip-line. Nope.

About 60 yards of bike zip-line. Nope.

Venezuela Expo Tattoo 2015: Extreme body art

Venezuela Expo Tattoo 2015: Extreme body art

Why is everyone trying to KILL me?

Facial Resume

You thought your job sucked.

You thought your job sucked.

My scientist Facebook friend just posted this random lab find..

My scientist Facebook friend just posted this random lab find...

Several years ago, I saw this lady and had to double back for a picture. The stroller had a cooler filled with ice cream bars.

Several years ago, I saw this lady and had to double back for a picture. The stroller had a cooler filled with ice cream bars.

Found this gem at the gas station.

Found this gem at the gas station.

I guess he doesn’t like fish.

I guess he doesn't like fish.

So my friend found this in her attic…

So my friend found this in her attic...

I Don’t Even…

You can earn $13,000 a year selling your poop. I Don't Even...

My local newspaper – where people post happy birthday messages for their cats..

My local newspaper - where people post happy birthday messages for their cats..

Muslim Bucket Hat

Muslim Bucket Hat

It rocked as if it were full…

It rocked as if it were full...

via The Stokes Report http://ift.tt/1yhv8JU

via The Stokes Report http://ift.tt/15S7XhL

via The Stokes Report http://ift.tt/1BCVBCV
