Funny Pictures – May 29, 2015

Think outside the bun.

Think outside the bun.

Googled worst idea ever.

Googled worst idea ever.

My dog is normal, I swear.

My dog is normal, I swear.

This was found at the vending machine at my dad’s job.

This was found at the vending machine at my dad's job.

The struggle was real.

Discman Problems

“I see you”.

"I see you"

My friend made me an ashtray birthday cake..

My friend made me an ashtray birthday cake..

Sneaking food into theaters.

Sneaking food into theaters.

“What topping do you want on your pizza?” “Pizza.”

"What topping do you want on your pizza?" "Pizza."

Watching my girlfriend’s tortoise while she’s on vacation. She told me to keep him out of trouble.

Tortoise beer

Tortoise snorting coke

Tortoise porn
