Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion): signs of unrest, volcano might be heading for new eruption

La Reunion V
July 2016La RéunionThe volcano is showing signs of unrest that could be (but not necessarily) precursors of a new eruption. Since the beginning of the month, shallow (0-2 km depth) volcanic earthquakes of rock-fracturing type under the Dolomieu crater (the main vent of the volcano) have been more frequent, probably caused by a new magma intrusion.
The volcano observatory’s (OVPF) latest statement mentions that 111 “collapses” have occurred recently on the Dolomieu crater, the Enclos and on the lava flow of Aug-Oct 2015. In addition, it seems that new deformation has started during the past days, which would fit into the picture that the volcano is likely preparing itself for a new eruption, although the trend was still unclear and needs to be confirmed. Gas emissions have not shown any significant variation above background levels.  –Volcano Discovery
