Pictures of the Day – September 29, 2017

I got to tour Pablo Escobar’s bombed-Out mansion, this is the view from his backyard.

I got to tour Pablo Escobar's bombed-Out mansion, this is the view from his backyard

Before pumpkins, the Irish carved Jack O’ lanterns from turnips. Here is a historic example from the collection of the Irish National folklife museum in Turlough, Co Mayo, Ireland.

Before pumpkins, the Irish carved Jack O' lanterns from turnips. Here is a historic example from the collection of the Irish National folklife museum in Turlough, Co Mayo, Ireland

13 year-old Princess Yvonne of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn in Germany next to her 12 year-old brother Prince Alexander aboard a private yacht off the coast of Mallorca in 1955 – Colorized.

13 year-old Princess Yvonne of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn in Germany next to her 12 year-old brother Prince Alexander aboard a private yacht off the coast of Mallorca in 1955 - Colorized

I bought a 2-inch cactus at the store 15 years ago, today it bloomed for the first time ever.

I bought a 2-inch cactus at the store 15 years ago, today it bloomed for the first time ever

Greenland is so beautiful even the dogs pause to enjoy the view.

Greenland is so beautiful even the dogs pause to enjoy the view

A blind climber being “shown” the route by his coach at the Paraclimbing World Cup.

A blind climber being "shown" the route by his coach at the Paraclimbing World Cup

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stars visit Hugh Hefner at the Playboy mansion for a show. 1993.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stars visit Hugh Hefner at the Playboy mansion for a show. 1993

Recently a Painting was found of a nude Mona Lisa in France. Forensics prove that it was by Da Vinci.

Recently a Painting was found of a nude Mona Lisa in France. Forensics prove that it was by Da Vinci

The Mount Rushmore of selfies.

The Mount Rushmore of selfies

Awesome workers at a children’s hospital.

Awesome workers at a children's hospital

The sign on the door in the mail room at my work.

The sign on the door in the mail room at my work
