Funny Pictures – May 14, 2018

That’s why you shouldn’t wear jeans with holes on sunny days.

That's why you shouldn't wear jeans with holes on sunny days

My sister’s graduation cap.

My sister’s graduation cap

I found a sidequest in my town!

I found a sidequest in my town!

My local orchestra practices in the catholic center. Recently the room added a pope cardboard cutout. My stand mate moved the cutout to the window beside the cello’s entrance. I came around the corner and lost my sanity.

My local orchestra practices in the catholic center. Recently the room added a pope cardboard cutout. My stand mate moved the cutout to the window beside the cello’s entrance. I came around the corner and lost my sanity

My 7-year-old’s first attempt at making me a Mother’s Day Breakfast. He woke me up at 6:15 asking if I liked Go-Gurts.

My 7-year-old's first attempt at making me a Mother's Day Breakfast. He woke me up at 6:15 asking if I liked Go-Gurts

This sign is hanging in the dining area of our local Greek restaurant.

This sign is hanging in the dining area of our local Greek restaurant

When I visiting with my mom, I saw this on my brother’s door. I think he wants some company.

When I visiting with my mom, I saw this on my brother's door. I think he wants some company

“Say cheese!”

"Say cheese!"

Found these startled lizards in my basement at work.

Found these startled lizards in my basement at work

Sometimes it’s the simplest Mother’s Day cards that make the best cards..

Sometimes it's the simplest Mother's Day cards that make the best cards..

The look of betrayal.

The look of betrayal

How my dad deals with his asshole neighbor who checks with the city whenever anyone does any work on their property.

How my dad deals with his asshole neighbor who checks with the city whenever anyone does any work on their property

Tweet me like one of your French birds.

Tweet me like one of your French birds

This sign in Finland.

This sign in Finland

Chili’s parking sign.

Chili's parking sign

Every time you want the cat to hold still.

Every time you want the cat to hold still

Chilling in a homemade stroller, seen in North Idaho.

Chilling in a homemade stroller, seen in North Idaho
