Funny Pictures – March 27, 2020

Day 10 of quarantine. The cat continues to kick our asses at board games.

Day 10 of quarantine. The cat continues to kick our asses at board games

Nephew has his birthday today. His mom didn’t disappoint.

Apocalypse Birthday Cake

This isn’t how pie charts work..

This isn't how pie charts work..

My mom started coughing and my dad isn’t playing.

My mom started coughing and my dad isn't playing

Wall Clocks for 2020

Wall Clocks for 2020

Day 17 of Quarantine: The lamp lookin phat!

Day 17 of Quarantine: The lamp lookin phat!

Day 23 of quarantine: Seeing what household appliances look like in different positions..

Day 23 of quarantine Seeing what household appliances look like in different positions..

Our country (Malaysia) has been in movement control order. This is 10 days into the lockdown.

Our country (Malaysia) has been in movement control order. This is 10 days into the lockdown

My wife dressed up for her birthday during lockdown. This is the result of watching The Tiger King, boredom and a lot of whiskey.

My wife dressed up for her birthday during lockdown. This is the result of watching The Tiger King, boredom and a lot of whiskey

Ostrich Wood.

Ostrich Wood

Stuck in alone in quarantine for my birthday. Family thinks they’re funny and sent me party supplies.

Stuck in alone in quarantine for my birthday. Family thinks they're funny and sent me party supplies

Turning 22 in quarantine.

Turning 22 in quarantine

My granddad dyed his hair purple to amuse himself during quarantine.

My granddad dyed his hair purple to amuse himself during quarantine

Day 4 of homeschooling and Bruce is ready for the heathens to go back to school.

Day 4 of homeschooling and Bruce is ready for the heathens to go back to school

Decided to throw an under quarantine birthday party for myself, with myself.

Decided to throw an under quarantine birthday party for myself, with myself

My six year old looked at me all serious and said “Mom, can I Lion King the baby?”. This is what ensued.

My six year old looked at me all serious and said "mom, can I Lion King the baby?". This is what ensued

2 week anniversary of me and my man.

2 week anniversary of me and my man
