Funny Pictures – July 1, 2020

Lemen The Gent ..always gets the door for his lady.

Lemen The Gent ..always gets the door for his lady

Renovating the house, decided to put this in the wall before its boarded up, so I can give the next person who renovates the house a heart attack.

Renovating the house, decided to put this in the wall before its boarded up, so I can give the next person who renovates the house a heart attack

My buddy’s kid looks like Mugatu.

My buddy’s kid looks like Mugatu

Toyota Cybertruck

Toyota Cybertruck

Check the placement of the flower before you buy the dress ladies.

Check the placement of the flower before you buy the dress ladies.

My new laptop arrived in a box with warnings not to open it with a saw, axe, blowtorch, flail or.. a carrot!

My new laptop arrived in a box with warnings not to open it with a saw, axe, blowtorch, flail or.. a carrot!

Minnesota highways

Minnesota highways

My old PSPs battery swelled to an alarming degree, after opening the case I decided it could have been much much worse.

My old PSPs battery swelled to an alarming degree, after opening the case I decided it could have been much much worse

Vet gave him the good stuff.

Vet gave him the good stuff

My daughter asked me to play hide and seek with her. I of course obliged. This is her hiding tactic, the cat bed.

My daughter asked me to play hide and seek with her. I of course obliged. This is her hiding tactic, the cat bed

Vote with your BUTT

Vote with your BUTT

Short but powerful heatwave!

Short but powerful heatwave!

Who else recycles the box while making dinner, just to have to look at the directions again?

Who else recycles the box while making dinner, just to have to look at the directions again
