Funny Pictures – July 7, 2020

Local music hall’s contraption to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Local music hall’s contraption to help stop the spread of COVID-19

Getting things done today.

Getting things done today

My sister just set up Hulu at my parent’s new place.

My sister just set up Hulu at my parent's new place

The instructions on my new doormat.

The instructions on my new doormat

Well isn’t that ironic.

Well isn’t that ironic

Paraplegic going in for reconstructive surgery on a pressure ulcer on my tailbone. (Henna tattooed the instructions for the surgeon).

Paraplegic going in for reconstructive surgery on a pressure ulcer on my tailbone. (Henna tattooed the instructions for the surgeon)

Cones of solidarity

Cones of solidarity

Saw this on the car parked next to us today.

Saw this on the car parked next to us today

Girlfriend bought me this, not sure how to feel as I love quiche.

Girlfriend bought me this, not sure how to feel as I love quiche

I asked my wife to tidy up my neck with the clippers… yes we are still married.

I asked my wife to tidy up my neck with the clippers... yes we are still married

Me and my girlfriend: We can handle being alone. Also us:

Me and my girlfriend We can handle being alone. Also us

Question, If I have a mask on can I still get my temperature taken?

Question, If I have a mask on can I still get my temperature taken
