Real-Time Demo Showcases Unreal 4 Game Engine's Power


The gaming world is about to profoundly change, thanks to the Unreal 4 game engine. Epic Games showcased the advanced gaming platform, which can be used to develop nearly photorealistic games, at the Game Developers Conference 2013 (GDC 2013)

In this technology demonstration, you can plainly see the Unreal 4 game engine is up to the task of rendering all kinds of reflections, a multitude of particles and enough lens flares to impress Star Trek and Star Wars director JJ Abrams. And the kicker? It does all this number-crunching in real time.

One of the goals of this new engine is to bring gaming graphics up to the same level as the latest powerful graphics cards, such as Nvidia's GTX line. From the looks of this video, it's clearly up to the task. Read more...

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